Alex Wright

A note on the type

February 9, 2010

OK, this one is not for the faint of heart - the editors at the ACM recently asked me to write a piece on advances in type theory.  This was a pretty daunting assignment - taking a computer science topic way beyond my technical depth and trying to make at least some kind of rudimentary sense out of it. This article won't tickle everyone's fancy, but if you have a taste for ad hoc polymorphism (which is, unfortunately, not nearly as kinky as it sounds), then I invite you to read on:

Type Theory Comes of Age / Communications of the ACM

Note: I  could never have even attempted this article without the valuable background material provided by Daan Leijen and Wolfram Schulte of Microsoft Research.

Previously: Museums 2.0

Now available for pre-order:

Cataloging the World:
Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age

by Alex Wright

A “shrewd, brisk biography.”
—Kirkus Reviews     

Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages

Mastering Information Through the Ages

by Alex Wright

“A penetrating and highly entertaining meditation on the information age and its historical roots.”
—Los Angeles Times